5 Clever ways to integrate direct mail with digital marketing

Integrate direct mail with digital marketing

Many companies are obsessed with digital marketing—web pages, emails, social media, native advertising, and PPC ads. What gets lost in the shuffle is the effectiveness and value of integrated marketing: combining direct mail with your digital marketing campaign.

Using a combination of online and offline channels reaches a broader audience in a new way. It raises brand awareness and helps YOU generate leads. Let’s talk benefits of integrated marketing. Once you’ve seen the case for integrating your direct mail campaign with digital channels, we’ll tell you some clever ways to make it happen!

The “Why” of integrated marketing

You likely realize that the marketing landscape has changed. The last several years have left people desiring deeper connections and tangible experiences. Audiences want something they can really sink their teeth into. Direct mailers can help you get the best results even in the digital age. 

Consider the study conducted by the Harvard Business Review on the “comeback” of paper catalogs. (We’ve had similar success stories with our customers’ catalogs, too.) Big-name businesses have realized that combining their digital marketing efforts with physical mail gets deeper recognition. Consumers want something they can touch, hold, and see—not just older customers either. Millennials shared a fondness for direct mail, too.

According to the study, customers who received an email outreach PLUS a physical catalog through the postal service had a 15% increase in sales and a 27% increase in inquiries (as compared to those who only received the digital touch). What’s more, the study showed that 90% of the customers opened and looked through the catalogs; they kept the catalogs for an average of seven days!

Integrated, multi-channel marketing helps you maximize your marketing efforts and get better results. It’s not a matter of either-or, but instead, strategically combining your marketing efforts to get as much from your tools and data as possible for your target market. Use your digital media to support your direct mail marketing campaigns and vice-versa.

Direct mail advertising helps you build awareness and trust with your customers. A colorful, well-designed direct mail piece enables you to tell a richer, more engaging, and memorable story. There’s something about physical print that clicks with your consumer’s brain. It makes the experience feel more tangible, more real, and more appealing. Your direct mail efforts create an immersive experience.  

Convinced you should consider integrating a direct mailing campaign with your digital marketing strategy? Here are 5 tips to help you get started.

5 Tips for a successful digital and direct marketing mix

1. Lead with direct mail.

Our customers have had excellent responses from their campaigns that led with an eye-catching direct mail piece (including video mailers) and a series of follow-up contacts through email marketing. The direct mailer sparks brand awareness and gets their attention. When the email hits their inbox, they think, “Oh yeah, I heard about this!” They’re primed and ready to go. Emails and further contacts continue reinforcing the connection and getting higher response rates.

2. Include a QR code in your direct mail piece.

Thanks to “touchless” restaurant menus, most folks are very familiar and comfortable with QR codes these days. The goal of any direct mail piece is to make it as easy as possible for customers to find you online and continue the interaction. A QR code is a quick, simple method that works right from their phone. If you need them to complete an action from their computer, use shortcodes or Bitly links to keep work to a minimum for your new customers. Also consider using vanity URLs.

3. Make an offer they can’t ignore.

Include a coupon code or special offer in your direct mail for your customer to redeem online. A coupon code is also a great way to A/B test your direct mail. See which messages and promotional offers resonate with your customers. A coupon code lets you capture email addresses and build your list. Make prospective customers an offer they can’t refuse, and they’ll take notice!

4. Include gated content.

If a coupon code isn’t the right tone for your target audience, consider a gated offer for a special report, new product sneak-peek, interview, eGuide, or other awesome content asset they’ll want. When they visit the landing page, ask them to register their email address to download the piece. Once you’ve captured their email address, you can follow up with digital marketing content to keep them hooked.

5. Always provide opportunities to socialize.

Customers love to connect on social media. One effective way to integrate direct mail with your online marketing is to include your social media info. The key is to be sure you’re on your most effective channels—not just where your customers hang out, but where they hang out when looking for YOUR goods and services. 

Direct mail is a very effective communication channel. With creative execution and integrated marketing, you can make the most of your marketing efforts on and offline. Getting noticed requires a multi-channel approach, but the process is quite simple once you’ve identified the best marketing mix.

Need ideas to improve the success of your next campaign? Reach out or give us a call 262.790.5000. We’d be happy to help.