Imagine shouting in a crowded room. No one can hear you. It’s as if you’re invisible. That’s the way it feels when you rely on traditional marketing tactics to promote your brand and your products. If you want to command the attention of your key prospects, you need to get creative. One powerful way to…
Read MoreThe nuances of how you communicate with your audiences during the coronavirus pandemic must change. People are worried. Instead of trying to hard-sell them, it’s time to humanize your communications with them.
Read MoreWhat do PETA, Save the Children, and Habitat for Humanity all have in common? They’re all nonprofit organizations who have prevailed in the world of print marketing. Digital channels are a fantastic way to easily and instantaneously share your organization’s message. But what about the people who don’t participate in social media? Those who spend…
Read MoreTwitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn — do these sound familiar to you? Since the social media and digital marketing boom, these three social platforms have stolen the hearts of marketing professionals everywhere. In a world filled with iPhones, tablets, and advanced technology, your customers are easily distracted. Businesses have been shifting marketing efforts to the web,…
Read MoreDirect mail marketing is one way to market a business. There are different direct marketing tools you may use. One of the most effective is a sales letter. Sales letters can help generate leads and drive sales with the help of compelling copy and more importantly, an irresistible offer. But before your recipients get to…
Read MoreContent Marketing means creating and sharing valuable free content to attract and convert prospects into customers, and customers into repeat buyers. The type of content you share is closely related to what you sell; in other words, you’re educating customers so that they know, like, and trust you enough to do business with you. The…
Read MoreIntegrated Marketing Communications is a simple concept. It ensures that all forms of communications and messages are carefully linked together. Although Integrated Marketing Communications requires a lot of effort it delivers many benefits. It can create competitive advantage, boost sales and profits, while saving money, time and stress. IMC wraps communications around customers and helps…
Read MoreTo be effective, direct mail requires the careful combination of three key ingredients: the right audience, the right message, and strong, complementary creative. Unfortunately, many marketers get taken in by the glitz and glamour of creative design—the colors, folds, and converted envelopes—and forget just how crucial data and messaging are to coming out on top.…
Read MoreThere are several ways to measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. The key is to build a tracking mechanism into each marketing tactic before it is deployed. In order to respond to your Call to Action (e.g., discount, coupon, brochure, white paper, consultation, etc.) the respondent must provide a valid campaign code which is…
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