Flipbooks: The Look & Feel of Print—Online

Developing a printed magazine, catalog or newsletter? Try repurposing all that great content in a flipbook on your company website. An online flipbook allows you to present your printed material in digital form—and your potential and current customers can still flip through the pages, just like a real magazine. Cool!
Click below to preview a few ISSUU examples:
Flipbooks are an excellent addition to your marketing strategy. Here’s why…
Fuse & Flow
While direct mail magazines and catalogs are very effective, think of the possibilities ahead when you bring those printed materials online as well. Flipbooks allow you to more cohesively integrate your print and online marketing strategies, without a lot of extra hassle—so your marketing collateral becomes even more effective.
Fan Out
You’ll increase your opportunity to reach new audiences, as your flipbook content is linked and shared via email and social media. Due to the advent of the tablet, online magazines have recently and greatly increased in popularity. (Apps like Next Issue are evidence of this phenomenon.) By creating a flipbook, you can embrace this popular, user-friendly medium and capitalize on its social sharing potential. It’s win-win.
Feature on Facebook
Speaking of social media, you can easily add your flipbook to your company Facebook page or fanpage. Wow your audience with this unique media integration, and create an enhanced experience your Facebook page visitors will remember. With over a billion Facebook users out there, you’re sure to reach your target market with this unique look; not to mention, Facebook’s easy-to-use built-in sharing functionality inherently increases your reach.
Free Fun
No matter your target market, it’s likely your current and potential customers want to have fun online. Flipbooks bring the creativity of print to the digital world, and an opportunity to allow your audience to play as they interact with your flipbook. The flipbook format naturally creates a sense of curiosity in the reader, too, as they wonder what they’ll come across next while they flip from page to page.
Fulfill SEO
Every flipbook you upload over time will increase your website’s overall search engine optimization (SEO). Why? Because every word within your flipbook material is indexed by the major search engines, pushing your company website to the top search results in your industry. Flipbook tip: Converting your content into an embeddable flipbook Flash file? Your flipbook might not be SEO-friendly. Be sure your flipbook provider understands how to work around this potential SEO issue.
Feed Your Favorites
Converting your printed magazine, catalog or newsletter into the digital format of a flipbook allows for greater advertising potential. Your flipbook can contain links and interactive ads that are mutually beneficial to your clientele and your advertisers. Get creative, but don’t make it too complicated or flashy—flipbooks should be accessible and fun, not reminiscent of the endless popup ads from times of Internet past.
Curious about how your business website might benefit from a digital flipbook? Not sure where to start? Interested in converting your current marketing pieces into flipbooks to boost the effectiveness of your marketing strategy?
Give Heritage Printing a call at 262.790.5000 or Contact Us today!